Wednesday, May 06, 2009

ABK approaches SC over Telugu's classical status

HYDERABAD: Aggrieved over the way the issue of classical status to Telugu language has been held up in a legal tussle, chairman of the AP

official language commission ABK Prasad approached the Supreme Court praying it to resolve the matter. It can be recalled, following a petition by a Chennai based lawyer that the Madras High Court had earlier said that granting of classical status to Telugu and Kannada shall be subject to the outcome of the writ in Madras High Court.

"This order of the Madras High Court is coming in the way of release of assistance and grants by the central government to universities and academicians who are keen to pursue greater research into the richness of Telugu language," ABK said in his petition to the apex court. KV Dhanunjaya, the advocate for the commission in the Supreme Court told TOI that Madras High Court has no jurisdiction to hear this case and the grant of classical status to Telugu language is a bonafide decision taken by the Government of India and it cannot invite any objection by a resident of Tamil Nadu at all.

Incidentally, ABK, whose term as chairman of the official language commission has come to an end on Saturday, is leaving the office with this special leave petition in the apex court.

During his two terms in office, ABK had relentlessly worked for the usage of Telugu language in the administration and could succeed in bringing tangible progress in at least 7 districts.

Courtesy: TOI

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