Saturday, February 23, 2008

Need to protect Telugu stressed

VIJAYAWADA: Stressing the need for protecting Telugu language, Third Additional Senior Civil Judge G.V. Subrahmanyam on Thursday said he would pronounce at least one judgment a month in Telugu, which, he said, would be his contribution to protection of the mother tongue.

Mr. Subrahmanyam, who was the chief guest at a meeting organised by తెలుగు భాష చైతన్య సమితి (Telugu Bhasha Chaitanya Samithi) to mark the International Day of Mother Tongue, said promotion of Telugu should not be at the cost of foreign languages. There was a need to teach other languages too to the present generation. “They should not be deprived of their mother tongue. They should be able to read Telugu literature and understand the culture of this land, before learning foreign languages,” he opined.

Referring to the record he had as the first judge to pronounce a judgment in Telugu, Mr. Subrahmanyam said that the opportunity had come his way in the form of a plaint in Telugu. “There are several technical problems to deliver judgments in Telugu. We have been trained in English and the entire legal jargon is in English. No dictionaries are available to know the appropriate meanings to certain English words,” he observed.

Divisional Railway Manager S.K. Sharma underlined the need to promote mother tongue and advised parents to take the lead.

Courtesy: The Hindu

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:08 PM

    I understand the difficulties mentioned. But I feel the judgements or any professional service can be delivered with a mix of English. It need not be 100% Telugu. We can use Technical jargons as they are in English while using Telugu. This can be a good begining. Already, in day to day life we do use a number of English words in our conversations.
