Thursday, June 16, 2005

Telugu Scientist wins Indo-Canadian award

Years back, Tadepalli S. Murthy, also known as Tad Murthy, left his home state Andhra Pradesh for pastures new, not knowing what lay in store for him. Like him, many youthful talents left India at that time for better future. Some of them rose like meteor, excelled in their respective fields, earned name and fame and became internationally known. Dr.Tad Murthy falls in this category.

He was a young researcher at Andhra University before he decided to leave his country for new opportunities and carry on intensive study in a subject dear to his heart. Very few in India and, for that matter, in the world, had known about tsunami. Murthy’s talents and years of hard work sparkled in distant Canada. He played a key role in fine-tuning the tsunami warning system in Canada and was one of the chief architects of the Pacific Tsunami warning. Dr. Tad Murthy is the President of the Tsunami Society, Canada, vice-president of the Honolulu-based International Tsunami Society and currently associated with the University of Manitoba. He presently resides in Ottawa.

The Govt. of India recently approached him for helping set up a Tsunami warning system in the Indian Ocean. Murthy has now developed a blueprint for setting up a tsunami warning system in the Indian Ocean round the clock.

Murthy was recently honored by the Indo-Canada Chamber of Commerce at a special event in Toronto.

More about this HERE.

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