Tuesday, April 12, 2005

ugAdi in Mauritius

Article publié le Mardi 12 avril 2005.

Ougadi or Telugu New Year, an occasion for peace and sharing

A cultural show was held at the Mauritius Andhra Maha Sabha.
A cultural show was held at the Mauritius Andhra Maha Sabha.
Unlike many religious celebrations, Ougadi is not celebrated on the streets. The Telugu New Year remains very traditional with people having lunch or dinner with their relatives and cultural shows organised. Prayers and cakes distributed to relatives, friends and neighbours are also part of the festival celebrated last Saturday.

The day starts with a purifying wash – the mangala snaanam – before the sun on Saturday morning. Then, after put- ting on chandrika oil and massaging themselves with a paste made with cereals, the Telugus are ready to start the celebration of the creation of the Universe by the God Brahmâ.

The patchadi – a mixture of green mangoes, tamarind, lilac flowers, chilli and salt – is prepared and offered to God in a special prayer to ask for his protection. They then go to the temple where they are read the panchagam (Telegu almanac). This special day is also a time for decorative activities like the mugga, which are beautiful and colourful designs made with different seeds and spices.

The only discordant note last Saturday was the use of this religious celebration by some politicians for their own propaganda purposes. While Ougadi is supposed to be the occasion when messages of peace, fraternity and unity are sent out our politicians did not miss the occasion to… do politics.

Political misbehaviour

After opposition leader, Navin Ramgoolam, reminded the audience in his speech that there is a need to live in harmony and that no one should remain withdrawn from others, Pravind Jugnauth, deputy prime minister and minister of Finance, seized the opportunity to castigate him.

After implying that Navin Ramgoolam was finally recognising the good work done by the government in terms of national unity, he even spoke of the budget saying that the population should be aware that it was in the country’s interest.

Although the prime minister, Paul Bérenger, was not as direct, he nevertheless mentioned the criticisms against the Mauritius Broadcasting Corporation, asserting that his government would propose new legislation after the next elections…



Mauritius Andhra Mahasabha

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